

HANG OUT中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

HANG OUT翻譯:經常出入(某場所);(與某人)廝混。了解更多。

HANG OUT在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

HANG OUT的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone: 2. to spend a lot of time in a place or with…。了解更多。

hang out with (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音

Children hang out with Cena, take pictures and sometimes even enter the wrestling ring with him. 小朋友會和希南一起玩、拍照,有時候甚至跟他一起進入摔角場裡面。

hang out、hang in 傻傻分不清!?與hang 相關之片語大公開!

2015年9月2日 — 1. hang out 出去玩;消磨時間;到外面晃晃 · 2. hang up 掛起;掛斷電話;掛上話筒 · 3. hang in there 繼續下去;堅持下去;撐下去 · 4. hang on 抓住;等 ...

用"hang out"造句

用hang out造句,hang out的例句1. Where does he hang out these days ?他這些日子里都在什么地方來著? 2. His red tongue was hanging out .他的紅舌頭耷拉出來。


来自柯林斯词典的例句. I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out. I often used to hang out in supermarkets. We can just hang out and have a good ...

hang out的意思

收藏 「出去玩、消磨時間」- hang out. 分享給好友:. 觀看次數:4064 • 2021-12-21 ... 造句練習. 推薦影片. 在眾目睽睽下違反蠢法律會發生什麼事? 觀看次數:8398 • 2022 ...

英文進步了再跑出去hang out:6個跟hang有關的片語

2015年9月9日 — 1. Hang out:出去玩、消磨時間、到外面晃晃 · 2. Hang up:掛起、掛斷電話、掛上話筒 · 3. Hang in there:繼續下去、堅持下去、撐下去 · 4. Hang on:抓住 ...

hang out 怎么造句?

Hang out 1.闲逛,轻松地玩e.g I wanna hang out with Bill after school. 2.Let it all hang out. 让这一切顺其自然。 3.please help me hang these clothes out in ...